PR Consult Services

Media Training

Projecting a credible image and delivering a message in a succinct and persuasive manner has never been more important for an organization’s representatives. Media training is fundamental for any business looking to interact with journalists. We can help you understand the local media environment and how to communicate your key messages with reporters for your next radio, TV, print or online interview.

Enhance your organization’s visibility, consumer confidence, and industry position

When embarking upon a Media Relations strategy, it is also important to include Media Training for your company’s spokespeople. You want to ensure your company spokesperson is prepared with the right messages, understands the issues at hand and how to best respond.

PR Consult provides Media Training for the preferred spokespersons of organizations to support their plans to become more visible and consistent when approached by the media or communicating with stakeholders.

Training internal teams on how to handle frequently asked questions, as well as some of the more difficult inquiries, clearly and concisely enhances how all an organization’s audience perceives the brand. The delivery of concise and honed key messages are essential when dealing with media and telling your organization’s story to the right audiences.

Internal training can also help an organization identify any risks to its brand and develop the processes needed to ensure those issues are managed. Through training and processes, PR Consult can help your organization ensure media enquiries are being responded to by the right spokespeople, at the right time.

Media will often try to contact employees for a statement – who may be misinformed. Prevent this through media training.

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Just a few of Our Projects

From strategic planning to media relations to media training to content development – and everything in between.